
Thursday, May 8, 2014

RV Park Review - Orange Grove RV Park, Bakersville, CA

Our one night stop in Bakersfield, CA, was planned to visit a dear 'ole friend.  I based the choice of Orange Grove RV Park on several positive RV review postings, and also a favorable blog posting by Wheelingit.  And, we found the park to be more than adequate, better than average, and just plain great!

It's late in the season, and this park, like several others we've visited, was not filled, but there was a vibrant core of visitors.  And, as you will see from the photos it is a very clean, well-tended place.

Unfortunately, the oranges on the trees are just beginning to grow (very small and green), but will likely provide wonderful juice and fresh fruit for next winter's visitors.  What a place, they water and care for the trees and the produce is there for the picking!

The pool was nice sized and surrounded by beautiful gardens. 

I also checked out the restrooms (clean and sanitary ) and common spaces - lots to do here.
The " lounge" felt like a step back into a western homestead, and a western-themed "barn" housing a meeting room spells lots of opportunities to stay busy, if you so desire.

Personally, I really enjoyed just walking around and seeing more gardens, some in juxtaposition with old farm equipment. And walking through the groves...

And, I suppose the "ice cream on the cake" was lots of walking areas for the dogs.  Traveling with 2 still, fairly active canines means we need room for them to explore and discover each new world outside their RV home.  This place fit their needs.

In conclusion, I would definitely give this park an " 8 - paws up". 

Hope to have a chance to visit it for a longer stay.  Consider it if you are in this area of CA.

1 comment:

  1. This place looks GREAT! Too bad you have to have an RV to stay there - ha!
    On another subject, and one that might interest some of your other 'newbie to blog' friends & family - I signed up at the bottom of the page
    where it says "Follow by email". Now I get an email right to my inbox that has your latest posts right when you post them! Very cool - I can
    now read them right on my email immediately & don't have to go to the website all the time to see if you've posted anything. (Still have to go
    to website to post comment, I think.) It's like getting a personal email from you each time you share something! See you at the next stop!!.....
